Next Zoom

Join us, Wednesday, 1/29/2025, at 7pm CST, for a DMUS International Zoom meeting!

What to expect in your first meeting

Please click here before attending your first Zoom music meeting. It’s important. For even more detail, here are Zoom suggestions from the AARP for performing music.

About DMUS International Zoom meetings

DMUS International usually meets online every other Wednesday. Please share song suggestions or topics to discuss. Please send suggestions to (making a suggestion does not mean that you need to lead the tune).

Would you like to receive meeting invitations?

Meeting invitations to strummers and audience members are shared with folks on our email list. To ask questions or to be added or removed from the DMUS International email list, please email

My emails contain instructions for joining our Zoom meetings.

Songbook links for the meeting:

Videos of past meetings:

I try to save recordings of our Zoom meetings on my YouTube channel. I usually get it right. Click here to link to my channel.

Library note links (recent additions and changes):